Message From
The Chair

Message From The Chair

April 2, 2024

Fellow Shareholders:

Each year, for the past 30 years, I have penned an annual message to shareholders, stakeholders, and potential new investors, with the express purpose of informing those interested with information that is not contained in the statutory filings. I like to take you, the reader, beyond the numbers, highlighting the non-financial attributes of the Mullen Group, because at the end of the day I am fully aware this is Your Company. And in my discussions with many of you, I know that how we manage the business, the values we covet, are very important to you, not just the absolute return on your invested dollars. Of course, you expect a return on your investment, which the Senior Executives are entrusted with delivering, but there is more to a company than just financial performance. There is culture, safety, and building a sustainable organization, where anyone that desires to build a career has the opportunity. We have nearly 7,500 dedicated, hardworking associates that rely upon a steady hand to ensure that, “their future, their families future” is not compromised. This is a responsibility we take seriously. If this isn’t the ultimate purpose of the ESG movement, I don’t know what is?



Signed: “Murray Mullen”
Chair, SEO and President