Health, Safety &
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)
Safety Performance
Mullen Group’s commitment to effective safety and loss prevention systems is deeply entrenched in our fundamental belief that effective leadership is what drives Best-In-Class safety performance. Our leaders will be held accountable for their business unit’s safety performance by:
- Demonstrating correct safety behaviours;
- Creating effective HSE Management Systems;
- Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of our people;
- Providing needed resources; and
- Measuring, reviewing and continuously improving safety performance.
Employee Health & Safety
As a business our long-term success is measured by our commitment to safety and productivity.
“If we don’t get the first one right, our productivity will not be sustainable.”
Murray K. Mullen
Chair, SEO & President
Mullen Group Ltd.
There is no single identifiable aspect of our daily activity that has more of an impact on the success or failure of our business than safety. Providing all employees with a safe and quality work environment is a core value of Mullen Group.
Safety in the workplace is fundamental to meeting the objective of satisfying customer requirements and the goal of achieving better business results. Compromising safety is the same as compromising the well-being of your people, and is not acceptable.
Throughout our entire organization, safety is a strong part of our culture consisting of shared beliefs, practices and attitudes. Mullen Group strives for excellence in safety by hiring only those individuals who are committed to these same objectives. We achieve excellence by committing to our 10 HSE Guidelines and Expectations below:
- Leadership;
- Employee/Contractor Selection, Training, Development;
- Risk Management;
- Facilities and Equipment;
- Regulatory Compliance;
- Environmental Code of Practice;
- Emergency Preparedness;
- Incident Investigation and Reporting Procedures;
- Measurement; and
- Assessment, Assurance and Improvement.
Mullen Group’s Grand Prize Safety Award is a rigorous, annual internal audit that ensures all business units are committed to continuous improvement related to their HSE Management Systems (“HSEMS”).
Mullen Group’s Alberta based business units actively participate in the Alberta Workplace Health and Safety Certificate of Recognition (“COR”) program, which certifies industry recommended HSEMS have been successfully instituted into the organization – maintaining a COR is a prerequisite for working for many of our customers.
Mullen Group continues to promote a safe work environment and general highway safety as integral parts of its corporate strategy.
Establishing The Safety Culture
“7 Key Elements”
- Recruitment: we want to attract the very best individuals to our organization;
- Pre-Employment Hiring Procedures: we orientate, train, test and assess fitness for duty;
- Set The Standards: we let everyone know what is expected;
- Monitor & Measure: we ensure that everyone follows the standards established;
- Provide Safe & Reliable Equipment & Facilities: everyone has access to the right tools to be successful;
- Education & Skills Upgrading: we continuously strive to improve; and
- Discipline: we endorse a disciplined approach to safety performance; the health and safety of our people shall not be compromised.
Environmental Code Of Practice
Mullen Group is fully committed to environmental protection and recognizes environmental management as among the highest corporate priorities.
To accomplish this, Mullen Group will:
- Establish environmental responsibility at the Board and Senior Executive level and integrate corporate environmental policies, programs and practices as an essential element of management at all levels and functions;
- Conform with or exceed applicable legislation, regulations, and industry standards;
- Educate, train and motivate employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner;
- Develop, implement and maintain effective emergency response procedures to minimize the consequences of emergency events;
- Work with government, industry groups and the public to improve and develop environmental standards and the understanding of relevant environmental issues;
- Encourage and support environmental research to expand scientific knowledge and develop improved technologies to protect the environment; and
- Conduct environmental compliance reviews at selected locations, at regular intervals.
HSE Policy
Grand Prize Safety Award
The Grand Prize Safety Award (“GPSA”) audit process is a yearly internal audit for all Business Unit’s. Mullen Group will verify that each BU is working on the appropriate Health, Safety and Environment (“HSE”) initiatives that align with our corporate HSE Guidelines. The Safety Bear is awarded to the Business Unit that sets the standard in the following 10 areas:
1.0 – Leadership, Commitment and Accountability
2.0 – Employee/Contractor Selection, Training Development and Documentation
3.0 – Risk Management
4.0 – Facilities and Equipment
5.0 – Regulatory Compliance
6.0 – Environmental Code of Practice
7.0 – Emergency Preparedness
8.0 – Incident Investigation and Reporting Procedures
9.0 – Assessment, Assurance and Improvement
10.0 – HSE Performance – HSE Objectives
We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 GPSA – Grimshaw Trucking LP (“Grimshaw”). This recognition is truly a group effort. Participation and buy-in from the entire team is a fundamental requirement for Safety success. 2024 was a banner year for Grimshaw. Their leadership and commitment towards nurturing a world class safety culture has been embedded in every employee and has produced continuous improvement. These accolades are well deserved. Focusing on continuous improvement has been a staple in a culture that demands excellence over the last few years.
Randy Mercer
Director of HSE & Risk Management