
Board Committees

Committees Overview

The Board has delegated certain aspects of its mandate to committees of the Board of Directors. None of the committees has decision-making authority but, rather, considers the issues within its mandate and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is comprised of:

  • Mr. Richard Whitley, FCPA, FCA (Chair)
  • Mr. Benoit Durand, CFA, ICD.D
  • Ms. Laura Hartwell, ICD.D
  • Ms. Christine McGinley, CPA, CA, ICD.D
  • Mr. Jamil Murji, CFA
  • Ms. Sonia Tibbatts, MBA

The mandate of Mullen Group’s Audit Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities by reviewing the financial information provided to Mullen Group shareholders and other interested parties, the financial control systems established by management and the audit process. The CSA’s Audit Committee Rules include requirements regarding audit committee composition and responsibilities, as well as reporting obligations with respect to audit-related matters. Mullen Group’s Audit Committee Mandate requires that all members must be financially literate in addition to qualifying as an independent director. For detailed information related to the Mullen Group’s Audit Committee, reference the “Audit Committee Information” section within Mullen Group’s latest PDF FileAnnual Information Form and its PDF FileAudit Committee Mandate.

Compensation, Nomination & Corporate Governance Committee

The Committee is comprised of:

  • Ms. Sonia Tibbatts, MBA (Chair)
  • Mr. Benoit Durand, CFA, ICD.D
  • Ms. Laura Hartwell, ICD.D
  • Ms. Christine McGinley, CPA, CA, ICD.D
  • Mr. Jamil Murji, CFA
  • Mr. Richard Whitley, FCPA, FCA

The mandate of Mullen Group’s CNG Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing and making recommendations regarding Mullen Group’s compensation policies and practices; to ensure a plan of continuity and development of senior management; to assess and make recommendations regarding Board effectiveness; and to establish a process for identifying, recruiting and appointing directors. The CNG Committee develops and monitors Mullen Group’s overall approach to corporate governance issues and implements and administers the system subject to approval by the Board. It also monitors governance issues and prepares recommendations for the Board regarding any reports or disclosure required or recommended on corporate governance (e.g. public disclosure required to meet corporate governance guidelines). Please reference the PDF FileCNG Committee Mandate for further information relating to Mullen Group’s CNG Committee.