
Quality & Human

At Mullen Group, we value our people and together we embark on a journey to achieve excellence in everything that we do. We focus our energy on providing quality jobs; controlling our costs; improving operational excellence and endorsing safety in the workplace.

Our expected results are to deliver superior service that our customers expect and deserve. Results turn into profits and, in return, our people have the opportunity to be rewarded for doing their very best. At Mullen Group we are committed to providing a work environment that promotes growth opportunities, is challenging, rewarding and builds relationships based upon mutual trust and respect. We get it – companies do not provide customer service, people do!

Mullen Group appreciates the fact that our message, above, is easier said than done. For this reason Mullen Group’s Human Resources Team (“HR“) strives to consistently review people activities in order to improve and develop new HR strategies where required. Mullen Group’s HR department works closely with our business units providing HR tools and education that assist in planning for success, which includes corporate training programs; development of HR policies and procedures; payroll services; cost effective health benefit plans; employee family assistance programs and retirement plans. Mullen Group continues to invest and make available to our people the following HR programs that have proven to be effective and continue to be a cornerstone to our success.

Mullen Group has partnered with a post-secondary training institution to provide a 160 hour Business Management Certificate Program to our people who have the aspiration to continuously learn and have a desire to grow within Mullen Group. The courses are designed to elevate leadership skills by providing insight into many different areas of professional and personal skill sets and are available on-line and in the classroom. Each year the new graduates are invited to a mountain retreat where Mullen Group’s Senior Executives facilitate the final courses and honour the new graduates. To date, Mullen Group celebrates 619 graduates of the program.

Our founders, Roland & Leona Mullen, continue to believe that education builds the foundation of our future. For this reason, Mullen Group sponsors a Scholarship Program for the children of our people to encourage their scholastic aspirations. Mullen grants financial assistance at the post-secondary school level. Since inception of this program Mullen Group has invested $488,000 to assist 357 children achieve their goals.

Mullen Group’s corporate website hosts our recruitment center. Check out our Career Opportunities page and apply online. Mullen Group also promotes growth opportunities within our organization; therefore, we provide an avenue for our people to search out a new opportunity that interests them. Today’s job market remains competitive, which can present a number of business challenges therefore recruitment and retention strategies, remain high on our list of priorities.

Mullen Group continues to look for motivated, career minded individuals who have a thirst to learn. We welcome you to join our team at Mullen Group.

Cathy Moore
Director of Human Resources



BMC Graduating Class 2023